A Walk Around Zagreb, Croatia / by Hollie Macomber

Today’s Cup of Tea: While I have had several cups of tea today, I wanted to focus on the americano I picked up from the coffee shop down the road this morning. I love espresso drinks, but sadly, I cannot justify the cost of a daily cup from a local shop.

One of my favorite things about traveling is experiencing other culture’s approach to similar things that we have here at home, such as coffee. Now, if you truly know me, you know that I hate Starbucks and other drive-through coffee places—mainly from my first-hand experience as a barista. I know that things like drive-throughs and carry-out coffee is a nescessity for the overall pace of American culture, and I am just so not a fan. I would so rather be able to sit down at a cafe, enjoy a cup, and then move on with my day. This cafe-culture is just one small reason I really enjoyed our trip to Croatia this past summer. I loved being able to walk all over the city of Zagreb, taking in as much as I could in one day (yes, only one day, thanks to flight delays) and then stopping at a cafe to refresh for a moment before moving on.

And so, grab a cup of your favorite drink, and let’s pretend we’re going to take a walk around the city of Zagreb.